Participation is open to all handmade fine arts and crafts. Work must be of an original concept executed and designed by the artist in attendance at the fair. No work that has been made with commercial kits, molds, patterns, plans, or computer-generated pieces is allowed. No "buy/sell" or retail vendors are allowed. Trademarked or copywritten logos may not be used without written proof of permission from the artist/company.
Exhibitors are required to provide a demonstration of their art or craft at the fair. You need not demonstrate your entire process if that is not practical. If large, heavy, or dangerous tools or equipment are necessary for making your art or craft, you may instead provide a video or display images or pictures of your process. Our fair places emphasis on education so it is important that you show how your artwork is made. For example, you might do a demonstration showing how to finish your work, or some other step in your process. Artists who demonstrate usually have better sales. If none of these options are possible, exhibitors may request a waiver in writing or by email.
For your convenience, this year we are offering two ways to jury. All jurying will be for the 2025 MSACF.
You may jury in person (preferred) at Cedar Lakes Conference Center in Ripley, WV on March 29, 2025, from 10 AM to 4 PM in the Craft House. For jurying in person, please bring your completed application and Artist Statement (see below for items to be included in your Artist Statement), along with at least six (6) different examples of your art or craft items. If you desire, you may set up a simple display in order to show your work to its best advantage.
You may jury online if necessary by completing this form. Please upload five (5) images of your work and one (1) image of your booth display. The images must be close up and focused squarely on the artwork against a blank background. When jurying online or in person you must submit a one-page, brief, but thorough Artist Statement.
Please be clear, and concise, and be sure to address all of the items below.
Where did you learn your art/craft?
How long have you been doing your art/craft?
What and who inspires your art/craft?
What materials do you use and where do you get them?
What tools do you use?
Are the designs and/or lettering you use hand-done originals or computer generated?
Do you use kits, molds or computer patterns?
Do you work alone or with a partner(s) or is your work done as a cottage industry?
Only complete applications will be accepted. It is the crafter/artist's responsibility to submit a complete jury application before May 2, 2025 Juried applicants will be notified as soon as possible concerning acceptance to the MSACF.
Applicants accepted by the jury process will be sent further exhibitor information for applying to the fair, including rules, regulations, options, fees, etc. To secure a space at the fair applicants will be sent a link to the Exhibitor Application. The completed Exhibitor Application along with the booth fee must be received no later than May 16, 2025.
By submitting your application, you agree to the following:
You authorize the MSACF to use the images or information from your
application and artist statement for all marketing or advertising purposes related to the MSACF.
You will pay the MSACF a commission of 10% on total sales at checkout on July 5, 2025.
The MSACF has the right, in the event of a national and/or state emergency to close/cancel/postpone the fair.
By checking this box you acknowledge you have read, understand, and agree to the information above.